Email templates

Email templates are handy for creating and re-using common things you'd want to send to your panelists.

  1. To create a new Email Template, go to Settings > Email Templates.
  2. Then click New Email Template, and enter a Title and Subject.
  3. Make sure to select either WYSIWYG or HTML for the Template Type (More information on these types below)
  4. From there, you'll be able to update the email body, which automatically saves.
  5. In the future, when you want to use this template, follow this guide.

WYSIWYG Templates

WYSIWYG templates are exactly that, "what you see is what you get". The text, buttons, and images that you add will be shown to the recipient exactly as you have added them.

The + sign will allow text, buttons, and images to be added to the email template.

HTML Templates

Choosing the HTML template type allows a user to write HTML that will be translated to human readable text, buttons, and images. This gives you more control over the style properties as well, including button color.

Panelfox comes with a right side rendered screen that shows a preview of what the HTML will display to the recipient. See example below

Additionally, the GDPR "unsubscribe link" and "right to be forgotten" can be added to the HTML form by using the Merge Tag menu, or manually writing {unsubscribe_link}.

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