Study Overview

The Overview page of a study is where you can view, edit, contact, and manage the panelists of that study. It gives you the status and other important details about each of the panelists in a table format.

By default, it only shows 20 of your panelists. If you’d like to view more, you can do so by clicking the Load more button.

You can also indicate if you’d like to show 20, 50, or 100 panelists per page by clicking the drop-down button beside the Load more button then selecting your preferred number of panelists per page.

To quickly find a specific panelist, type their name, email, or phone number on the search bar. The table will automatically respond to your search and will only show related panelists.

To customize your overall view, click the drop-down button at the top-right corner of the Overview page. This is where you can select which columns to show or hide by turning on or off the toggle bar beside the column names on the drop-down, respectively

Other than these, more actions can be done within the Overview page of a study.

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