Survey Status

There are four visibility settings, that can be updated Screener Settings > Who can take the screener section.

  • Study Participants: only respondents who have been added to this study can answer the screener.
  • Anyone: anyone with the public link can answer this screener.
  • Private: only logged-in admins can answer this screener (e.g. used for internal phone screeners).
  • Nobody: screener is no longer accepting responses.

Get a shareable link

To get a public survey link (e.g. to share on social media), you can set  "Who can take the screener?" to Anyone. You must ask for the respondent's email address, and save this to the panel.

To do this, either use the Contact Info helper to generate the correct questions (First Name, Last Name, and Phone Number), or scroll down to the section below "How to configure email question".

How to configure email question

Create your own "Email" question like this:

  1. Create a Short Answer element in your screener asking for their "Email"
  2. Mark it as Required
  3. Enable Two-way panel property sync and link it to Email

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