Panelist Consent and Opt In

As part of GDPR compliance, your panelists have full control of their data. They have the option to opt-in or -out of all communications, such as email and SMS, from your company. Your panelists also have the option to delete all of their data.

Opt-out of communications

The Unsubscribe hyperlink at the bottom of any email sent to the panelists via Panelfox links to the Opt In panel property on their profile. They can change this panel property to Opt out by clicking the Unsubscribe hyperlink.

The hyperlink will open the Consent Management web page where the panelist can see and verify their account details. They can turn off the toggle bar beside Opted in to opt out after verifying their details.

The text beside the toggle bar will then change to Opted out.

If a panelist has chosen to opt out of communications, Panelfox will block all outgoing emails to this individual. Then, you can only get in touch with the panelist from your company email.

Delete panelist’s data

The option to delete a panelist’s data can also be found at the bottom of any email sent to them via Panelfox. This is the manage your data hyperlink

The manage your data hyperlink will open the Consent Management webpage, which contains their account details and two options, in a new tab. The user's data can be deleted by clicking the Manage deletion of my profile and data hyperlink

The user can either confirm or cancel the deletion of their data on the next page. They can proceed with the deletion by clicking the Delete my data button

After confirming, the deletion will take effect immediately. 

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