PII Masking

For sensitive data like PII (Personal Identifiable Information), we offer the ability to "mask" or "hide" panel properties within Panelfox.

To mask PII in a Panel Property, navigate to Panels > Panel Properties. From there, any panel property can be masked by clicking the Edit button.

To add PII masking, click the Edit button

The Edit property modal allows a user to rename a property, change the property type, and also enabled/disable PII masking.

When a panel property has been masked, it will show as blurred.

Temporary unmasking

Admin roles can temporarily unmask PII, which will be logged by the Panelfox system. This temporary unmasking is unavailable to non-admin roles.

Panelists, when logging in to their accounts or viewing screeners with two-way sync can still view all their data, even properties marked as PII


If a Panel Property has been masked, exporting data via CSV keeps data masked for all users, and will show the column as PII_REDACTED.

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