Upload Custom Files

Panelfox has the ability to add Custom Files to participants. These files can include Consent Documents, Identification, and more.

Upload in a Panel

To upload Custom Files in a Panel, navigate to the panelist within your panel. From there, either scroll to the "Files" section, or use the side panel.

Navigate to the files portion of the Panelist profile

Here you can add files either by clicking on "Browse files" or dragging to the gray file box from your computer.

When the files have been added, you will see them below the Browse files gray box. You can also edit the description of the file at this point, to allow for better clarity on what the files is. This is especially helpful if a Panelist has multiples of forms.

Files have been added for this panelist

Once a file has been uploaded, the file can be downloaded, the name edited, or deleted from the panelist.

Upload in a Study

To upload Custom Files in a Study, navigate to the panelist within your study. From there, select the Files tab.

Navigate to the files portion of the Panelist profile

Here you can add files either by clicking on "Browse files" or dragging to the gray file box from your computer.

When the files have been added, you will see them below the Browse files gray box. You can also edit the description of the file at this point, to allow for better clarity on what the files is. This is especially helpful if a Panelist has multiples of forms.

Files have been added for this panelist

Once a file has been uploaded, the file can be downloaded, the name edited, or deleted from the panelist.

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