Multiple Panels

This is an add-on feature, please reach out to for access.

If you manage multiple panels (e.g. Consumer, B2B, Country-specific), Panelfox provides a clean and easy way to segment your panelists, as well as check dashboards and health metrics on each panel.

This is what it looks like to switch between your panels:

Create a new panel

To create a new panel, go to Panel > All Panels and click New Panel. Only Admins have this access.

Edit a panel (Panel Settings)

To edit an existing panel (aka viewing the Panel Settings page), you are two options.

Go to Panel > All Panels and click on one of the panels in the list.

Or, on the Panel > Panelists page, click the Panel name to reveal a dropdown, then click the Settings icon.

Associate panel sign-up forms

To start getting panelist signups, you need to associate a form (Settings > Forms) with a specific Panel. On the Panel Settings page, scroll down to Data Collection to view your associated forms, or add new forms.


To restrict internal access to this panel, go to the Permissions section of the Panel settings page, and turn ON the setting Only allow certain users to access this panel. By default, only admins retain access to this panel. And you can click + Add User to grant access to non-admin users.

Panel dashboards and metrics

Follow this guide.

Deleting a panel

Follow this guide.

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