Salesforce Integration

You have the ability to automatically transfer your Salesforce Contacts into your Panelfox panel.

Configuring the integration

  1. Go to Settings > Integrations.
  2. Find Salesforce, and click Connect. You'll be prompted to enter your Salesforce URL, which will look something like this:
    1. When you add the URL, it must start with https:// and must end with
    2. To find this Salesforce URL, go to your Salesforce account, and click on your avatar in the top right nav. If the URL is lengthy, it may not be fully showing, but once you double-click to select it, and copy the text, you should have it fully copied.

  3. Then you will be redirected to login to Salesforce and grant permissions. The scopes requested are:
    1. Manage user data via APIs (api)
    2. Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)
  4. You will be redirected back to Settings > Integrations page, and you should see that Salesforce is connected (because the Connect button will be gone, and you will see some additional actions).
  5. Click Configure Sync, and when you see a popup, choose which Panel, Salesforce List you'd like to use
  6. Within the same popup, you'll perform Property Mapping - which Salesforce properties (left side dropdowns) should match to which Panelfox properties (right side dropdowns).
    1. Your Panelfox Panel Property "type" must be matched to a corresponding Salesforce property "type", in order for the sync to sucessfully complete. For example, you can not match a Checkbox to a Text field. Refer to the table at the bottom of the page for what "types" are allowed to be mapped.
    2. Note for dropdown & checkboxes: Once this Panel Property type is synced to a Salesforce property, Panelfox will save the Salesforce version of the options for the property. You will no longer be able to edit the options manually.
  7. Within the same popup, choose the Direction of data flow.
    1. Salesforce -> Panelfox: One way flow, data updates will be taken from Salesforce nightly, and updated within Panelfox.
    2. Panelfox -> Salesforce: One way flow, when data is updated in Panelfox, we will automatically send it to Salesforce.
    3. Two Way: Combines the previous two, when data is updated in Panelfox, we will automatically sent it to Salesforce. And we will also check nightly for any updated data in Salesforce, and update it in Panelfox.
  8. After you are done with a successful mapping, save the configuration. The "sync" will automatically run nightly. It is good practice to run a sync manually, to do this click the Refresh icon under Actions.
  9. Then you can navigate to your Panel page, and verify you can see the Salesforce contacts.

Note: Once you have the integration enabled, the "sync" will automatically run nightly until you disconnect the integration.

Property Mapping

Salesforce Panelfox
picklist, reference Single-select (Dropdown)
multi-picklist Multi-select (Checkbox)
boolean True / False
string, double, id, address, phone, email, url Text
int Number
textarea Text
datetime, date Date
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